The Supplice Family lit gold lanterns to honour their Father, Geoff.
03 November 2022

The Leukaemia Foundation would like to wholeheartedly thank Trent Supplice for raising an incredible $13,640 for Australians facing the darkness of blood cancer. In doing so, he helped his team, Geoff’s No 1s, become the nation’s top fundraising team for Light the Night 2022—raising a grand total of $15,700.
We’d also like to extend our gratitude to Geoff’s wife Heather, his daughter Casey, his son Don who were all part of this extraordinary team who came together on Friday, 30 September to honour and remember Geoff, who passed away in November last year.
“We are participating in Light the Night because over nine months ago, we lost the most important person in our lives,” Heather said.

Father's Day is meant to be a day of celebration. For the Supplice family, it was the day they were told that Geoff had blood cancer.
On Father’s Day last year, a day which should have been full of love and gratitude for the Supplice family, instead was the day that their lives were turned upside forever.
It was the day that Geoff was diagnosed with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), and at the time of his diagnosis, he was living with his wife in Mount Gambier without immediate access to treatment. They connected with the Leukaemia Foundation and were able to receive much needed financial assistance through food and Uber vouchers, as well as being placed in accommodation near treatment in Adelaide.
Geoff’s form of blood cancer was very aggressive, and he tragically passed away shortly after he was diagnosed on the 23rd of November 2021.

His family clung onto every precious second they had left with him, and they continue to remember and honour a man that played such an important role in their lives.
"My Dad was my inspiration, my leader, the man I would always turn to," Trent said. "He was strong and showed courage but sadly Dad passed away three months [after he was diagnosed]. There is not a day that goes by where I don’t think of him, talk to him, or even see him in my thoughts. This special day will be for you Dad, and all others who have had to deal with the same situation."
Trent also commends his sister Casey who remained in South Australia to provide further assistance to Geoff and did everything she could for him and Heather.
“My sister Casey was an absolute inspiration, and Mum and Dad’s rock during treatment, driving them from Mount Gambier to Adelaide and back every time Dad had to get treatment.”
“There’s not a day that goes by that we don’t miss him and think of him, and our love for him will never die. This is for you Geoff”, said Heather.
For this year’s Light the Night ceremony, Trent and Don both travelled all the way from Mornington, Victoria to be back with the rest of their family in Mount Gambier, which was a place that was always very special to Geoff. As the sun set on Friday, 30 September, they lit their gold lanterns together in Geoff's memory—and reflected on the impact he had on their lives.

“A special thanks to all who helped my mum and family from the Leukaemia Foundation, you all couldn’t do enough for my dad while he was sick. From the bottom of my heart, thank you,” Trent said.
Remember, it takes strength to make your way through grief, and please know that you are not alone. If you are experiencing feelings of grief, loss, or distress after reading this story, you can call 1800 620 420 to connect with a blood cancer support professional and access the Leukaemia Foundation’s grief and bereavement services. Alternatively, you can send us an email at