Josh Gourlay-Young lit a white lantern from hospital
19 October 2021

The Leukaemia Foundation – on behalf of every Australian who has been touched by blood cancer – would like to thank Josh Gourlay-Young for being a Light the Night Bright Star for 2021.
Since starting his fundraising page, Josh raised over $6,190 – and we could not be more grateful for his incredible support.
In June last year – just two months after marrying his then-fiancé Cory – Josh was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL). After a routine biopsy returned back with some abnormalities and being sent for a second blood test, it was revealed that his bloods had changed dramatically. He was then diagnosed, and began treatment immediately at the Royal Hobart Hospital.

“It’s been an absolutely wild ride up to this point. I’ve had more injections than I ever felt I’d be comfortable with, I’ve been poisoned with gosh knows how many litres of chemotherapy, I’ve miraculously gained 6kg, still have a reasonable head of hair on me and I am still, after all of this, in remission and kicking this cancer fair in the butt with minimal side effects.”

“It was an emotional night for me. There were a few tears. I wanted absolutely nothing more than to be surrounded by my husband, my dogs, my family and friends as we all watched Light the Night together and as I lit my White Lantern to show solidarity for every other person undergoing their own Blood Cancer experience.”
“I had plans for how I wanted to celebrate the night, but it just wasn’t meant to happen this year. And that’s okay because for as long as I breathe and keep fighting, I will do it again next year – with 150% more energy, fight and determination.”
“Provided all goes to plan, within the month I’ll be in Brisbane and getting new, healthy bone marrow - essentially ridding myself of this bloody cancer. Hopefully for good. No. Definitely for good.”
On Saturday, 16 October 2021, Australia came together to shine a light on blood cancer, and on the darkness that it brings to each person it touches. On the night, Josh lit a white lantern from his hospital bed in honour of his own blood cancer journey, and to reflect on how it has changed his life.

We cannot thank Josh enough for his support on the night, and for his bravery and strength in sharing his blood cancer story. Since being diagnosed, Josh began a Facebook page where he provides updates on his story – and you can check it out below.